Cargo delivery from USA to Russia

General terms of delivery from USA to Russia
Fast delivery from USA to Russia (air): We deliver small cargoes by plane for just 10 days. shipment can be arranged from the nearest airports to you (Houston, New Yourk, San Francisco, etc).
Cheap delivery from USA to Russia (by sea): Shipment by sea will take about 40-50 days. Shipments start from Houston.
*Terms are declared to St.Petersburg.
Additional features
- You can drop your cargo on our warehouse in Houston. We will ship your cargo as a part of our general cargo
- Futher delivery from St.Petersburg is available .Terms depend on distance to the final destination.
- Long term storage in St.Petersburg is available
*DDP delivery is vailable and includes:
- We can receive the roubles from your Customer in Russia and transfer the USD to you.
- Shipment door-to-door
- Customs clearance (export/import)
- Finally you provide the DDP service to your russian Client. And your russian Client gets your product like he could just buy it in Russia.
What we need from you
We would be grateful to get the following info from you: cost of your cargo, ship from/to, measures, weight and description.
Our agent in the United States:
Victoria Project Cargo, LLC (Office & Warehouse):
18941 Aldine Westfield Road, Houston, Texas 77073
Tel: 832-300-3095 , 24 Hour tel: 603-264-5033, Fax: 832-300-3099
The price for 14 days
from USA to Russia (air)
- Shipment by air for small cargoes (for ex. 500kg) will cost from 10 USD/kg . It depends on what cargo. Minimal price for air delivery is 900 USD.
- Shipments by sea can reach even 1-1,5$ per kg . Depend on cargo description.
- Price include all the customs procedures, taxes
- Exact price can be given to you shortly if you fill in the simple form
The price for 40-50 days
from USA to Russia (sea)
- Shipping by sea on a turnkey basis ( with customs clearance in Russia) costs from $ 1-1.5 per kg according to our statistics. The cost depends on the nature of the cargo, its value and weight and size characteristics.
- The larger the party of your goods is, the cheaper it costs per kg.
- The exact cost of sea shipping for your cargo may be obtained by sending a request.
- The price Cheap delivery from USA to Russia (by sea): Shipment by sea will take about 40-50 days. Shipments start from Houston 400$ per cubic meter / ton. Customs clearance is not included! Delivery of doors in the United States is calculated separately. Free time for customs clearance of 3 days. Further storage of $ 30 per cubic meter / ton per day.
- The exact cost of delivery of your cargo may be obtained by sending a request.
Have questions about shipping cargo to Russia?
Get free consultation:
Tel: 832-300-3095
24 Hour tel: 603-264-5033
+7 (812) 608-02-84
What products we deliver from USA?
2CUBES has reach experience of carrying the cargoes from the United States. It lets us to give you both the good transition time and good price. We regulary ship from USA such cargoes like:
- oil and gas industry equipment and parts
- chemical products (IMO)
- sports equipment
- metal making equipment and parts
- pumps, motors
- auto spare parts
- audio equipment
- toys and even sports food
We regulary deliver the cargoes from USA by sea (containers, bulk, ferries) and by air.
Although Russia and USA have been competing for years in policy, we are long term trade partners anyway and be sure -there are no problems to trade with Russia, there are no problems to deliver to Russia.
You doubt it? Just call us and get the free consultation!
No matter you deal with our US office (represented by Victoria Project Cargo LLC) or russian (St.Petersburg) office of 2CUBES -you will get the unlimited abilities for you business with Russian partners. We fanatically love the logistics and we surely dont have any difficulties in such services like: delivery, customs clearance, cargo insurance, storage etc. That is why you can trust 2CUBES.
What cargoes cannot be delivered from USA by 2CUBES:
- narcotics
- animals,
- plants
- Cultural values
- Jewelry
- Alcohol,
- tobacoe
- Weapons and parts
What cities we deliver from:
- Los Angeles
- Houston
- Washington
- New Yourk
- Seattle
- Dallas
- Denver
- Kansas City
- Chicago
- Detroit
- Philadelfia
- Sacramento
- San Antonio
- etc
Moving by sea is a very cost-effective, however, it should be remembered that at the time of delivery by sea is quite large. Taking this into account, by sea from the US to Russia can not be transported perishable goods.
The fastest, but at the same time, the most expensive way to deliver cargo from America is the use of air transport.
The company’s specialists 2CUBES selected mode of transport for each individual load, taking into account all the wishes of the customer. If necessary we can organize the transportation of goods from the United States combined method, using several modes of transport.
Mediator delivery from the United States
If you have any difficulties with your supplier (the language barrier, there is no understanding of the supply), we can contact your supplier on your behalf and settle all formalities — You just have to give us instructions that you want to get to the exit, we do the rest. In this case, we will mediate the delivery of the US, who will act on your behalf and on your behalf.
Where to begin?
Just send us your contact supplier and we ask him the right questions on your behalf.
Then you will simply need to confirm their readiness to pay the agreed price in rubles and we get your cargo from the United States at the desired position in Russia.